
O programa atualizado do evento multiplicador Mind Safety está disponível aqui!


The Mind Safety – Safety Matters (MS-SM) projects aim to improve and innovate methods of teaching safety and health issues in the classroom, motivating and preparing young people to work in safe conditions and to live and learn to be responsible citizens after leaving school.

The activities of both projects involve partners in a common purpose: developing and implementing innovating practices to improve teaching competences and abilities in order to deliver occupational safety and health issues, through interdisciplinary pedagogical approaches.

The projects also promote teachers’ active involvement and active participation in their own training, to test, experiment, develop and implement methodologies and tools in schools, enhancing the quality and relevance of the learning process.

Finally both MS – SM projects also pretend to create a shared space for professionals and educators from various countries, by sustaining training, discussion, exchange of innovative practices and free access to teaching/learning materials for safety and health at work, focusing on inclusive approaches and IT resources.

It is an integrated project based on the production of knowledge and the possibility of transferring it from school to the workplace, by giving teachers and professional trainers an important role as vehicles of that knowledge and as modelers for safety behaviors by young people/future workers, before they enter the labor market.

One of the most innovative aspects of the project is to facilitate free access to educational/training contexts and teaching tools, in all countries of the partnership, promoting non-formal education and training, in a new approach of connecting teachers and motivate them to exchange knowledge and practices in a transnational experience.
